Questions and answers on Compliance College

What professional topics does the Compliance College cover?
Our portfolio includes various -learningsn compliance, data protection, IT security and occupational safety, but also on topics such as The German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) and German General Equal Treatment Act (AGG).  Here you will find an overview of all e-learning courses organized by subject area.
How can I have a look at the product?
In the contents area you will find an overview of e-learning courses organized by subject area. For some of them you can take a look at the individual courses by clicking the “Demo” button.
How long does one e-learning take?
Thanks to our adaptive learning approach, the learning time of your employees varies depending on previous knowledge. Our e-learning courses take between 30 minutes and 1.5 hours.
What formats are there in e-learning?
In order to ensure learning success for all different types of learners, our e-learnings consist of many different formats. These formats range from expert videos and short film sequences to video simulations and explanatory videos. For auditory learners, for example, formats such as audiobook sequences are integrated. With the help of integrated exercises and knowledge tests, what has been learned is consolidated and put into practice.
Who are the subject authors behind the e-learning courses?
In all sbuject areas we work with experienced experts. You will soon find a presentation of our experts on our website.
Is the content updated regularly?
The content of our e-learning courses is regularly reviewed by experienced experts in the relevant subject areas and adapted to new legal requirements. The regular adaption of content in accordance with current legal requirements is included in Compliance College licenses.
How many languages are the e-learning courses available in?
By default, Compliance College offers e-learning in these nine languages: German, English, Mandarin, French, Italian, Portuguese, Czech, Spanish, Polish

The e-learning courses Code of Conduct, Corruption Prevention, Antitrust Law, Data Protectionund Kartellrecht, Datenschutz are also available (as standard) in these languages: Russian, Romanian, Dutch

Other languages can be ordered for a fee.
What is adaptivity?
With the adaptive learning approach, the prior knowledge of your employees is determined with targeted tests on upcoming training courses and learning content is recommended. This avoids redundant training, is efficient and motivates learners more.
Can I roll out my guidelines within the company with Compliance College?
Yes, with our policy roll-out, policies and notices can be rolled out company-wide or for defined target groups and the steps automatically documented.
Can I adapt content to company-specific requirements?
Yes, our customizing toolbox offers a wide range of options for adapting our e-learning courses to your company's specific requirements and thus seamlessly integrating individual specifications into the courses.
How can employees access e-learning?
Yes If an assigned e-learning program is not completed within the company-specific time limit, automated reminder emails will be sent to learners. The standard processing time is 42 days. A first reminder email is sent 14 days before expiration, as well as after the processing time has expired. The times for reminder emails can be easily adjusted to meet the requirements of your company.
How do my employees get access to the e-learnings?
Bei Nutzung unseres Compliance Colleges werden die Lerner:innen im ersten Schritt  mit dem Administrations-Tool entweder als Einzelanlage oder mithilfe einer Excel als User im System angelegt. Für weitere Anlagemöglichkeiten wie z.B. über SSO bei SCORM-Connectoren beraten wir Sie gerne individuell und unternehmensspezifisch. Sobald die Lerner:innen angelegt sind, können sie – je nach Wunsch des Unternehmens – in kurzer Zeit über das Teilnehmerverwaltungstool E-Learnings zugewiesen werden oder über die Katalogfunktion selbst auf die Inhalte zugreifen.
Can e-learning courses be interrupted at any time and continued later?
Yes, it works. E-learning courses can be interrupted at any time. Next time the e-learning starts right where the interruption took place.
Which devices do e-learning courses run on?
Our e-learnings are available on all common devices that are part of the work equipment, whether it's a PC, laptop or tablet.
What forms of delivery are there for Compliance College?
There are three delivery options:
1. They can implement Compliance College as a SaaS solution in their company.
2. You can upload e-learnings to your company-specific LMS via the SCORM connector and LTI.
3. On-premise delivery of e-learnings as SCORM files is available on request.
Is it possible to host e-learning via an existing LMS?
Yes If you already have your own learning environment, our courses are easily connected via a SCORM connector or LTI 1.3. The SCORM connector provides you with instant updates to the content of the e-learning courses.
Is authentication possible via SSO (Single Sign On)?
Yes Haufe Learning Management uses SAML 2.0 or, alternatively, OpenID Connect. SCIM 2.0 is also available.
It is important that your IdP (identity provider) supports SAML 2.0 initiated in accordance with the service provider.
Which interfaces does Haufe Learning Management offer?
The system offers a REST API, which allows various other systems to communicate and interact with Haufe Learning Management. If required, these enable integration into an existing system landscape. There are also direct integrations with various meeting conference solutions.

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Anne Müller, Lena Kaster
and their team will be happy to advise you