
Bye bye knowledge management, hello knowledge mobility: Getting knowledge moving

Monja Eberlein
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Knowledge mobility: How to make your knowledge management fit for the future

Knowledge is a success factor. But how can companies structure their valuable know-how and make it available to everyone? How can they combine the knowledge they have with the knowledge they need? Knowledge management has become a complex task — and knowledge mobility is the modern solution. Because knowledge mobility gets know-how moving, bundles knowledge and unleashes potential.

What is knowledge mobility?

Something is happening in our working world. Innovation cycles are short, world knowledge is growing at a breathtaking pace and complexity is increasing. Technical innovations and disruptive business models require companies to be extremely flexible and innovative. These must faster and more flexible routes to bring new knowledge to the organization and to make it visible and also usable in your own contexts.

Knowledge Mobility offers a solution for this. Knowledge mobility is the ability of a company to use knowledge in a value-creating way by moving existing know-how. The leading question is: How can companies combine the knowledge they have with the knowledge they need?

Knowledge Mobility makes know-how accessible and usable — and shares it. This gives companies the opportunity to identify and utilize the know-how relevant to their purposes. In this way, corporate knowledge can grow with a complex working world in transition.

What is knowledge?

Whether as part of the business process, as a factor for innovation or as a competitive advantage: Knowledge is relevant in all industries and across the entire value chain. But what is knowledge anyway? Knowledge mobility takes knowledge and know-how into account in as comprehensive a sense as possible.

Knowledge doesn't just mean explicit and codified knowledge, for example on production processes or guidelines, but also the implicit abilities and abilities of all employees of the organization. Knowledge includes both internal company know-how As well as that relevant external knowledge, which the company and its employees acquire and place in their own contexts.

Why knowledge mobility is overtaking traditional knowledge management

At traditional knowledge management The focus is on the structure and storage of internal company know-how. At first glance, this makes sense, because the diverse and often complex corporate knowledge must be recorded so that it is not lost. According to calculations by the Federal Statistical Office, around 15 million workers will retire from working life by 2036. If the know-how leaves the company with employees, this can jeopardize the position and possibly even the existence of the company.

But all too often, knowledge documentation becomes an expensive end in itself. Although the knowledge has been recorded, it is largely unused on a server or buried in the depths of the intranet. It is often cumbersome to use, and knowledge bases become obsolete extremely quickly in the rapidly changing world of work.

In this way, knowledge cannot be used in a company to create value. Anyone who manages know-how rather than gets it moving is leaving potential behind. Because knowledge does not grow in archives, but through exchange.

That is why Knowledge Mobility focuses on knowledge transfer. External knowledge is combined with existing know-how and adapted to internal circumstances. Know-how is brought together — centrally, networked and accessible. At the moment of need, employees can access all available knowledge and learning opportunities. At the same time, they can easily and quickly share their own know-how. This is how knowledge comes into practical implementation and can be transformed into measurable success.

Conclusion: Grow with the world's knowledge

Knowledge mobility makes knowledge management agile. Calculations assume that world knowledge doubles around every eight years. Companies should therefore find ways to keep pace with this development. Knowledge Mobility offers them a solution for bringing the relevant know-how into the organization.

Knowledge Mobility is a modern approach that enables companies to react flexibly to dynamic developments and the increasing complexity of the world. Knowledge and learning are brought together. Sharing and exchange instead of filing and storing — this is how the joint and collaborative development of corporate knowledge is achieved.

One last tip:

With our LXP, you create the framework for more knowledge mobility. Do you want to know how? We'll show it to you!

Monja Eberlein

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