Questions and answers about the LMS

Is there a limit to the number of administrator accesses assigned?

No, any number of authors (administrators) can be created.

What does the Learning Management System by Haufe Akademie cost?

The price depends on the users and the individually booked licenses. We would be happy to provide you with a non-binding offer tailored to your specific needs.

Is there a test account for the system where you can test the functions and the Haufe content?

It is possible to arrange an individual 20-minute demo and let us guide you through the system - we also take the time to answer individual questions. It is also possible to obtain test access for a certain period of time.

How long does the license to use the Learning Management System run for?

The minimum term of the license is three years.

Könnte man die selbsterstellten Lerninhalte auch externen Teilnehmer:innen, die nicht zum Unternehmen gehören, freigeben?

Could the self-created learning content also be made available to external participants who do not belong to the company?

Can the LMS be combined with other HR software?

Basically yes. Of course, it depends on the two systems and the interfaces. Please contact us for individual advice.

Can live training courses be offered via the Learning Management system?

The organization of live training sessions and the corresponding participant management is possible. The live training itself - a webinar, for example - must be held using an external tool.

As a company, can I decide which courses employees get to see?

Yes, the Learning Management System by Haufe Akademie offers target group management including automated distribution of learning content to these target groups. The prerequisite is, of course, that the identification characteristics of the target groups are maintained accordingly in the data records of the user accounts.Ja. Das Haufe Learning Management bietet eine Zielgruppenansteuerung inklusive automatisierter Verteilung von Lerninhalten an diese Zielgruppen. Vorraussetzung ist natürlich, dass die Kennungsmerkmale der Zielgruppen in den Datensätzen der Nutzerkonten entsprechend gepflegt sind.

What options does the authoring tool offer me? For example, can I use it to generate a quiz and create learning paths?

The authoring tool makes it easy to create learning content such as teaching materials, quizzes, flashcards, etc. and this content can then be integrated into courses as required via Haufe Learning Management. In addition, separate examinations (e.g. for certifications) can be created.

Can users also use the system on mobile devices (smartphone/tablet)?

Our Learning Management System is a SaaS solution. The software is browser-based and can therefore be accessed via any standard browser. This is independent of the operating system. It is also possible to purchase a PWA (Progressive Web App).

How do I create content in the Learning Management System by Haufe Akademie?

Our Learning Management System has an integrated authoring tool. In addition, various content (videos, images, SCORM files, etc.) can be stored in Haufe Learning Management.

Is it possible to access the Haufe Akademie's e-learning portfolio via the Learning Management System by Haufe Akademie?

Yes, the implementation of the Haufe Akademie e-learning portfolio is possible via LTI.

What ways are there to integrate external learning content into the system with regard to e-learning standards?

Our Learning Management System offers a SCORM 1.2, cmi5, AICC as well as an xAPI and LTI v1.3 interface for remote content.

Can Haufe Learning Management be visually adapted to my company's corporate identity?

Yes, it is possible to adapt the system colors and the logo.

Is it possible to set up an approval process when learners want to complete learning content?

A one-step approval process can be stored as an option.

Does the Learning Management System offer two-factor authentication?

The Learning Management System itself offers 2FA, e.g. via an authenticator app. In the case of a login via SSO, the 2FA of your identity provider can of course also be used.

How does my learners' user data get into the LMS?

The Learning Management System offers the option of automated user data synchronization between the data-holding system and the LMS.

Does the Haufe Akademie Learning Management System offer authentication via SSO (Single Sign On)?

Yes, our Learning Management System uses SAML 2.0 or alternatively OpenID Connect. SCIM 2.0 is also available, but it is important that your IdP (Identity Provider) can handle SAML 2.0 initiated by the service provider.

What interfaces does the Learning Management System offer?

The system offers a REST API via which various other systems can communicate and interact with Haufe Learning Management. This enables integration into an existing system landscape if required. There are also direct integrations to various meeting conference solutions.

Can the Learning Management System by Haufe Akademiebe integrated with existing systems (e.g. HR software, CRM, etc.)?

In principle, yes, but it depends on the specific application scenario. We will be happy to advise you on your individual system-based questions.

Where is the LMS hosted?

The LMS is hosted in a data center in Germany. The data center is ISO-27001 certified and climate-neutral.

Is the Learning Management System cloud-based or do I have to buy the system and host it myself?

Our Learning Management System is Software as a Service (SaaS). It is therefore cloud-based and not an on-premise solution.

Get advice

Anne Müller, Lena Kaster
and their team will be happy to advise you