The LXP that thinks ahead

Whether it's a content studio, learning paths, language management, metadata management, personal profiles or sophisticated integration — our learning experience platform thinks ahead. This is how the entire company benefits from day one.
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Transfer knowledge smarter than ever

Our LXP is the central one-stop point for learning and knowledge in your company. With a wide range of supporting features, your employees will always find what really helps them in their daily work – directly and in the moment of need

Intelligent search & source of inspiration

Let your users decide how they want to use LXP — whether they search specifically for content or get inspired. In addition to an intelligent search function and sophisticated category management, clusters such as “Trending” or “For you” support innovative learning.

Dynamic insights

Interesting insights can be shared with colleagues within a minute.

Integrated content creation

With the integrated content studio, everyone can easily create and share their own content.

Intuitive user interface

Habit as an advantage: Your employees encounter an intuitive interface that they already know from everyday life. It offers quick orientation and learning experiences without barriers.

Key digital competencies on the fly

Whether it's collaboration, digital literacy, agile work or digital learning — with our LXP, employees acquire the most important digital key competencies almost incidentally.

Various contents — bundled cleverly

As the single point of entry for your learning offerings, our LXP combines all the content that your employees need to build up knowledge and competencies. Your company specific knowledge & must-knows, user-generated content and – optionally – high-level e-learnings from the Haufe Academie or any other
external content . The individual elements can be curated according to your needs and arranged into learning journeys, for example.

Content Aggregation

With our LXP, all of the company's learning content and knowledge is brought together on one platform. The result: a central access point with smart search and filter mechanisms for employees.

User-generated content

Let your own experts have their say. Whether created in the integrated content studio or relating to another source: User-generated content can easily be placed and structured in the LXP.

Content of Haufe Akademie

Digital transformation, innovation management, leadership, soft skills, future work skills and much more: You don't need to start from scratch - you can fill our LXP directly with high-quality content from our content offering.

Learning paths & collection

With our LXP, various content and formats can be combined to create clever learning paths. In this way, learners are suggested a reasonable order and they recognize optional content directly.

Smart integration

Fast, secure,hassle-free and always with our support — that's our promise for the integration of our LXP into your company and your infrastructure. Thanks to thought-out features, it is ready for use within a very short time and your employees will directly benefit from all advantages.

Easy start with SaaS

If learning should be easy – then why fighting with a months-long IT project? Our LXP saves your IT resources and is immediately ready for use — thanks to Software as a Service (SaaS) and a modern cloud architecture.

Compatible with content & system

Whether it's a connection to your existing systems or company-specific learning content — our LXP seamlessly fits into your learning ecosystem. The result: A fast impact for your employees and your entire company.

Project support & consulting

Introduction, integration, rollout, onboarding and use – we are continuously by your side – to the extent that suits you. Because we have a common goald: Getting self-directed learning a matter of course in your company.

Safety for everyone

You don't have to worry about security: Of course our LXP is not only GDPR-compliant, but also comes with anonymized usage data and a server location in Germany.

Get advice

Anne Müller, Lena Kaster
and their team will be happy to advise you