
What is social learning?

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Lernen ist von Grund auf sozial: Der Mensch lernt von klein auf, indem er sich etwas bei anderen abschaut und Verhaltensweisen imitiert. Social Learning ist also kein neues Konzept. Allerdings erfährt es – gefördert durch technische Möglichkeiten, neue Methoden und wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse – im Unternehmenskontext aktuell starke Aufmerksamkeit.

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Learning is social from the ground up: People learn from an early age by learning from others and imitating behaviours. Social learning is therefore not a new concept. However, it — supported by technical opportunities, new methods and scientific findings — is currently receiving a lot of attention in the corporate context.

Social learning means learning in active exchange with colleagues, supervisors, coaches and mentors. According to the 70-20-10 model for vocational learning, 90 percent of knowledge acquisition is achieved by “Learning by Doing” and in exchange with colleagues, supervisors and coaches. 20 percent of this is due to exchange, i.e. learning through social interaction. In addition to feedback and mentoring, joint work on tasks also plays a role in learning success. Social learning therefore focuses on networking within a learning community — for example in the form of a “community of practice.”

Today, social learning is primarily understood in terms of learning using (internal) social media platforms. These support social learning didactically by offering opportunities for communication and exchange of information. They thus enable a company-wide exchange of knowledge and are the technical basis for social learning. Employees can also make self-created learning content — such as short explanatory videos or diagrams — available here. They become “teaching learners” in the learning environment.

What are the benefits of social learning for the company?

Companies benefit from various advantages with social learning:

Social learning is active learning to disseminate expert knowledge: Knowledge is acquired through the joint development of solutions and the exchange of experience. As a result, the focus is shifting from expert knowledge, which is tied to individual people, to the collective know-how of the learning community.

Social learning supports the flow of knowledge: Knowledge that was previously “hidden” in the company becomes visible, is retained and can be used.

Social learning breaks down information silos: Knowledge can be used across departments and even across countries. New ideas arise and innovations become possible.

Social learning facilitates the exchange of knowledge through new technologies: learners and teachers work together and communicate with each other. Digital information is available anywhere and at any time.

Social learning discovers personalities: Personal qualities such as communication skills, the ability to work in a team or organizational talent are discovered, challenged and promoted through social learning.

Which companies are interested in social learning?

Social learning is most effective when certain requirements are met in the company: On the one hand, the mindset plays a role in the company, learning must be highly valued and supported by managers. Open exchange and cooperation should be a matter of course and should be promoted. Employees must be able to work independently and take the time to develop their skills.

In addition to mindset, social learning requires a specific set of skills and tools. This means that employees must be empowered to share their knowledge and learn in a self-determined manner. To do this, they need skills — for example in dealing with new technologies or methods — but they also need the appropriate social learning tools, such as Learning experience platforms, which make social learning in companies possible in the first place.

Last but not least, social learning is changing the role of personnel development. Personnel developers become development facilitators and empowers and moderate the autonomous learning of employees in the company. It is important to take stock that answers the question of whether the learning culture in the company is already ready for social learning or what steps are still necessary to do so.

How to integrate social learning into everyday work

Social learning is successful when it flows seamlessly into everyday working life. Learning Experience Platforms (LXP) make this possible: Short or detailed learning nuggets can be retrieved here at the moment of need, and learners can put the fresh knowledge directly into practice. The platform can be used by many people, involves them in the learning process and allows knowledge to be collected, created and shared together.

Social learning is THE important component of sustainable learning and offers many benefits for employees and companies.

There are various ways to enable social learning in companies. As described, knowledge can be collected and shared on a group-based basis using a collaboration tool or social intranet. Classic wikis also offer this option, but the options for communication and presentation are usually more limited here. Companies that are really serious about social learning will always give their sustainable learning strategy a Learning experience platform Take as a basis. Company-relevant knowledge and content are thus attractively prepared, categorized and made available to and by all users. However, the following applies to everything: “Mindset and corporate culture first”. Because social learning only has a positive effect when space, time and acceptance are created for the fusion of learning and work.